Trademarks in the UAE

Trademark Registration in the UAE | Legal Information about Trademarks in Dubai UAE
Trademark can be described in the form of drawings, signs, shapes or words notwithstanding voices which are used primarily by companies and businessmen for the protection of its products and services.
Each company has a specific designed trademark. Possessing a trademark is highly beneficial to businessmen and companies as it convinces a consumer to make a purchase which in return increases demand for a product or service. A trademark additionally helps customers to have an overview of the products of established companies.
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For trademark registration in UAE, an application has to be duly made to the UAE Ministry of Economy by a local or foreign individual or entity. However in the event the trademark is already in existence and identical to other trademarks, the application shall be rejected. The only exception is if the trademark was removed from records then the other party may request for its use after three years of deletion.
After approval from the Ministry of Economy, the trademark has to be advertised within two newspapers before registration. Individuals have 30 days from the first date of approval being published, to contest. However, the trademark applicant may also challenge any objection raised within the 30 days.
The submitted request if rejected can be challenged within 30 days and if not accepted again, thereafter the trademark applicant can submit an application to the court to object any rejection within 60 days.