Mr. Andrey Serezhenko, LLM

Mr. Andrey Serezhenko, LLM
Mr. Serezhenko earned a master`s degree in laws from State University of Land Use Planning in Moscow in 1999.
After graduation, he was actively involved in issues of land relations, property, real estate and legal proceedings.
For more than 11 years, he worked as a lawyer in senior positions at the federal real estate cadaster agency, the state registration service, state enterprises and institutions. Mr. Serezhenko gained successful experience in administrative and judicial representation, providing legal services to individuals and organizations in resolving legal issues. He also provided legal and administrative support for infrastructure and construction projects, land and real estate transactions, land management, privatization of land and real estate, structuring real estate, issues of territorial planning and urban planning zoning, circulation and use of lands of various categories, legal expertise of various types of contracts, judicial representation in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction.
Mr. Serezhenko represented the interests of individuals and big business in state authorities and judicial bodies: the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction.
Spoken Languages: Russian, English.