Consumer Protection Law of UAE

Consumer Protection Law of UAE | UAE Consumer Rights
A consumer, by definition, is anyone who purchases goods or services for personal use and Consumer Protection Law exists to manage or improve consumer confidence and the relationship between consumers and the business community.
To protect consumers in the UAE from any fraudulent activities and over-pricing, there is a federal law no. 24 of 2006 which clarifies the rights of a consumer.
The rights of a consumer are as follows,
a- The consumer has the right to demand a healthy and non-hazardous environment.
b- He or she should be aware of their legal rights with easy access of information and through designated awareness programs.
c- A consumer has the right to express and share their opinions to enhance the products or services available in the market place.
d- They have the right to choose from multiple goods and service providers available in the market and can demand that they are furnished at a reasonable price and quality.
e- They should be provided with detailed knowledge of a product including (but not limited to) expiry and comprehensive listing of ingredients for example.
f- To be kept safe from any products or services that may causes harm or damage to their health or person.