Accident Injury in UAE

Accident Lawyers in Dubai UAE | Personal Injury Lawyers in Dubai
Road accidents can be a harrowing experience for anyone and is likely to result in some form of injury ranging from minor to very serious or even death. UAE Law does make provision for an injured party to make a compensation claim provided the accident was not their fault.
Where an accident happens while commuting by a taxi or bus, the injured party can claim compensation for personal injury from the insurance company that is covering the vehicle operator. Psychological or emotional damage and stress cannot be reversed as such but claiming compensation could ease the burden to some degree and assist in recovery.
Generally the victim may claim for,
1- Property damages
2- Medical expenses
3- Moral loss
The amount or value of ‘damages’ a person sustains will be calculated based on the intensity of the harm caused and extent of the other persons (usually the driver or vehicle operator) role in causing that damage. The damages may include destruction damage or loss of clothing, jewelry, or any other property of the victim lost and, moral harm (often referred to as psychological or emotional damages).
The amount to be recovered from damage varies on the basis of,
1- Medical expense incurred
2- Victims income
3- The Victims Age
4- Severity of injuries sustained and moral damage
Road accidents being considered by the court for compensation claims are made up of 3 constituents, the fault, the damage and the connection between them. In general, there is not a pattern or set calculation to follow for the recovery of such losses. Discretionary power has been given to court to decide on these matters in reaching judgement on the claim.